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  • Writer's pictureLiz K

Where Will We Do the Outdoor Shoot?

If you're looking to do an Outdoor Family Portrait Session or an Outdoor Maternity Portrait Session, there are two locations I love to use: by the lake and in the forest.

Lake Side

Tui Bay, Marakura Yacht Club, Te Anau Terrace and Fraser Beach are all options for a lake side photoshoot. We can do photo sessions by the lake either on early mornings or evenings close to Golden Hour - the exact time for that changes throughout the year, so get in touch to ask what time we can do this for the best photos. We also need the weather to be on our side - good visibility of the mountains and a little bit of blue sky in the air. This means that if you're looking to do your photoshoot by the lake, we might have to reschedule a few times based on what the weather is doing. There is no cost for rescheduling and I can usually fit you in on another day.

Ivon Wilson Park

The forest location is the lovely Ivon Wilson Park. The wonderful thing is that with the very tall trees, we don't have to worry about the sky. We can shoot here at any time of day and in any kind of weather except rain.

Other Locations

If you have a different location in mind, feel free to bring it up so we can see what's possible. You might have access to a stunning backyard with a gorgeous view like this family I photographed not too long ago:

Get in touch for any questions or check out other Frequently Asked Questions for your browsing pleasure.

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